The Pure HPK kit offers the highest level of performance globally of any kit on the market.
The Pure HPK kit utilizes only the best components there is to offer. Included with all Pure HPK kits are Pure FSR frictions plates along with Pure C6X steels and pressure plates.
The Pure HPK kits are also provided with a heat treated and hard anodized billet 7075 C and E hubs. Both the C and E hub are engineered to correct the main weak points of the factory components. Material and finishing process aside our team has been able to also address some much needed areas of both of these components to increase fluid flow in multiple areas of each hub resulting in better fluid disbursement, cooling effects, and strength. Clutch pack tooth profile and mating part tooth profiles have been addressed to add longevity and strength to the parts. Along with extending the base shoulder to provide better support to the clutch base plates.
Included in our 8HPSF-HPK-1200 kit is as follows
A clutch pressure plate
6 C6X steel plates
6 FSR frictions
B clutch pressure plate
B clutch base plate
6 C6X steels
7 FSR frictions
C clutch pressure plate
C clutch base plate
10 C6X steel plates
10 FSR frictions
D clutch pressure plate
6 C6X steel plates
6 FSR frictions
1 base plate
E clutch pressure plate
E clutch base plate
10 C6X steel plates
10 FSR frictions
Billet 7075 E hub
Billet 7075 C hub
High output transmission pump.
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